Essay Writing Service

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How to Come Up With College Essay Ideas that Stand Out

The hardest part after picking up your subject and selecting your dream college to pursue your studies is writing a college essay. Perhaps, even writing is easier than coming up with an idea to write about. The idea that can make you stand out among thousands of applicants. This why many students prefer to hire [...]

By | 2020-01-10T15:03:14+00:00 January 10th, 2020|Writing Tips|0 Comments

Five (Bad) Essay Writing Habits You Need to Break

Ever wonder why you always perform mediocre in your essay writing tests? Despite putting a lot of effort, are you still struggling to compete with your classmates? Well no more. While some people are good at producing great pieces of written work, some are simply not good at all. But fortunately, writing is a skill [...]

By | 2020-02-19T16:16:06+00:00 December 5th, 2019|Writing Tips|0 Comments